• Accessibility

    How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility

    How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility Vitaly Friedman 2024-06-26T12:00:00+00:00 2024-06-26T16:04:56+00:00 Getting support for accessibility efforts isn’t easy. There are many accessibility myths, wrong assumptions, and expectations that make accessibility look like a complex, expensive, and time-consuming project. Let’s fix that! Below are some practical techniques that have been working well for me to convince stakeholders to support and promote accessibility in small and large companies. .course-intro{–shadow-color:206deg 31% 60%;background-color:#eaf6ff;border:1px solid #ecf4ff;box-shadow:0 .5px .6px hsl(var(–shadow-color) / .36),0 1.7px 1.9px -.8px hsl(var(–shadow-color) / .36),0 4.2px 4.7px -1.7px hsl(var(–shadow-color) / .36),.1px 10.3px 11.6px -2.5px hsl(var(–shadow-color) / .36);border-radius:11px;padding:1.35rem 1.65rem}@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){.course-intro{–shadow-color:199deg 63% 6%;border-color:var(–block-separator-color,#244654);background-color:var(–accent-box-color,#19313c)}} This article is…

  • Accessibility

    Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways

    Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways Addy Osmani 2024-06-04T12:00:00+00:00 2024-06-05T16:05:37+00:00 Building successful web products at scale is a multifaceted challenge that demands a combination of technical expertise, strategic decision-making, and a growth-oriented mindset. In Success at Scale, I dive into case studies from some of the web’s most renowned products, uncovering the strategies and philosophies that propelled them to the forefront of their industries. Here you will find some of the insights I’ve gleaned from these success stories, part of an ongoing effort to build a roadmap for teams striving to achieve scalable success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Cultivating A Mindset…